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Home Who We AreAlpha BlogThree New Driving Forces to purchase Homes

Three New Driving Forces to purchase Homes

May 5, 2019

Buying a house can be a daunting task. It requires exhaustive planning, budgeting, documentation and home inspections and a lot more. After all, it’s probably done only a couple of times in a lifetime. A lot of considerations have to be made before it, and we, at Alpha Corp, understand this well.

Thus, we step into the customer’s shoes when we conceptualize and design product for them including minutest of the details and it resembles on all of Alpha Corp’s residential, commercial and Industrial projects, be it are in a Tier 1 city like Gurgaon or Tier – II cities like Meerut, Karnal or Amritsar. While all our projects are well known in their respective segments, GurgaonOne Sector 84 and GurgaonOne Sector 22 are the most admired in premium segments as some of the exclusive facilities provided there makes them as the most preferred destination for home buyers.

  1. Sustainable energy – With the environment deteriorating as each day passes by, it has become a necessity to conserve it. When it comes to living, one can take a lot of measures to ensure that the environment is being looked after. Alpha Corp proves to be a futuristic thinker, as we provide Rainwater Harvesting, Solar Energy, water conservation and other services, which not only protect the environment, but are also more efficient ways to gain energy from.
  2. Waste management – Inefficient disposal of waste is not only a major issue in India, but is omnipresent across the world. Studies say that the amount of wastage generated in a day is enough to pollute a small city. Living in Alpha Corp eliminates this problem with a proper waste management system installed and ensures that people residing there do not contribute further to the already abundant issue of waste disposal.
  3. Physical recreation – With the growing demands of the corporate world, more and more people are getting drifted apart from any kind of physical movement during their daily schedule. In this fast and competitive world, this lack of physical activity gives birth to a plethora of health and mental issues. Without physical exertion, people are moving on to an unhealthy lifestyle. But Alpha Corp’s housing societies provide with various options of outdoor activities like a tennis court, walking-cum-jogging track, swimming pool etc, which act as a motivator and a facilitator to engage in outdoor activities for both, the young and old alike.

The world has evolved from me to ours. It is a crucial factor to think of the environment and be sustainable to protect both the planet and ourselves. Thus, while buying a 2 BHK, 3 BHK or a 4 BHK apartment in Gurgaon, considering Alpha Corp’s residential projects – GurgaonOne Sector 22 and Sector 84 is essential for any prospective home buyer.